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Resources & Insights

The LinkedIn Data Breach - How Does it Affect You?

Posted by Megson FitzPatrick Team on May 26, 2016 10:12:21 AM

In 2012 LinkedIn was victim to a massive data breach which compromised user information for over 117 million accounts on the online networking site. Fast forward 4 years and the list of account information has surfaced on the online black market with the hacker asking for 5 bitcoins (approximately $2200 USD) for the full database of email addresses and encrypted passwords. Read more here


LinkedIn members are urged to take the following actions to protect their accounts and professional networks.

  1. Change your password
    Passwords should be at least eight characters in length and include a complex mix of letters, numbers and symbols. Change your password frequently and never use the same password across multiple accounts.
  2. Watch for phishing emails
    Targeted phishing attacks are also expected to follow the LinkedIn data breach due to the exposure of email addresses. Never provide account information via email and be hesitant to click on links within them, especially if the email appears to be from LinkedIn.
  3. Be wary of what friends post
    With approximately 430 million LinkedIn users, this breach has the potential to impact nearly 30 percent of LinkedIn members. It’s likely someone impacted could be one of your connections. Be cautious of friends sharing suspicious links or requesting money or personal information — their account could be compromised and, thus, being used by someone who purchased their information on the dark web.
  4. Enable two-step verification
    Two-step verification requires username, password and a code sent directly to your mobile phone to access your account. This provides an additional layer of security while helping alert you if anyone attempts to take over your account. 


As cyber risks become more and more prevalent it's important to asses your own business and what risk management you can do to prevent online data breach and other cyber threats. If your business relys on technology or stores any data online, it's a good idea to take the steps neccessary to protect yourself. Give one of our Commecial Insurance Specialists at Megson FitzPatrick Insurance a call to discuss your exposure and coverage 250-595-5212.

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Topics: Data Breach, Cyber Risk, Risk Management

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